
The Perfect Present for a Little One

My darling baby niece is turning *ONE* on Thursday and her mommy and daddy have picked out a present she seems to be quite smitten with, and if you have a little one running around, I bet your tot would be equally as entertained.

This Fisher-Price ball pit will save you the trouble of taking your infant to Chuck E. Cheese. Instead, stay home, save money, and bet on your child's face being lit up with joy!
My brother and his wife are picking one up at Target, but I bet you could find it elsewhere. My question is, do they have a home version of this large enough for adults?! :)


Phoenix a Kidnapping Hotbed - Yikes!

Phoenix has recently been dubbed the Kidnapping Capitol of America - falling second in the WORLD next to Mexico City for the most kidnapping incidents per year.

Uhmmm.... a bit frightening to anyone else currently living IN Phoenix?!

Officials believe the swarm of kidnappings are directly related to illegal drug trafficking and most victims are illegal Mexican immigrants.

No more late-night running in downtown Phoenix for me... oh wait, that's right. I wasn't running anyway...


Another Reason Southwest Airlines Blows its Competitors Out of the Water...

Southwest doesn't need to provide its passengers with further incentives to take to the sky with them over other airline carriers, but yet Southwest deals just keep getting sweeter.

Southwest airlines doesn't charge checked luggage fees, doesn't charge extra for seats with additional leg room, nor do they charge for snacks or beverages on flight.

Their customer service is known for its efficiency and friendliness, and their fares are more than fair for intercontinental travel.

But the deals just keep getting more and more appetizing.

Southwest airlines is offering FREE vodka and cranberry to its passengers on flights on Valentines Day (February 14) as well as FREE beer of choice on St. Patrick's Day (March 17).

If that's not cool... I don't know what is. 

The brains behind the Southwest operations is taking necessary steps to make sure his air carrier will continue operating for many years to come!

Book your flights today!

My First Professional Publication!

I've been working for AVIDGOLFER Arizona for the past few months, and through much sweat, determination, creativity, scrambling, frustration, and bliss, our first issue (February 2009) is complete.

The content for our Premiere Issue is online, and the print version will be coming soon as well!

Go check it out! And if you want an AG passbook... let me know that as well. The passbook includes FREE green fees to 25 courses for a mere $65! You're crazy not to purchase one!

Procrastinate No More...

If you're like most adolescents, you're probably a procrastinator. Which, isn't always a bad thing -- in fact, I argue some of my most prized work was completed with a fast-approaching deadline lighting a fire under me.

But, if you're a high school senior with dreams of attending Arizona State University this fall, you better get a move on.

Due to ever-increasing budget cuts, ASU is being forced to cap enrollment and to close applications to next year's freshman class on March 1, five months earlier than usual.

Whether it be the lure of ASU's party-school notoriety, the prestigious reputation of its journalism, nursing, or business schools, or an array of other attractive characteristics this state university offers, if you're wanting to call yourself a Sun Devil this fall, act now or pursue higher education elsewhere...