I guess it has been quite some time since I last blogged. My title doesn't adequately reflect what occurs here at this cyberspace address...and for that, I do apologize. Rest assured - my lack of commitment to this blog is not due to laziness or apathy, but more so due to the fact that I've had a lot on my plate lately. A LOT.
For starters, I flew to Chicago on election night to cover the Obama rally for ASU. It was my intent to track
down, meet, and interview Obama so that I could report back to the Cronkite school on this epic night in history. Sadly.... my efforts failed. I did, however, talk to a lot of other interesting people, got some great interviews and pictures, was able to experience an incredible night in history first-hand, and had a blast visiting the windy city for the first time!
From my experience in Chicago, I created a radio package that was used as part of a 20 minute election podcast my classmates and I created titled - Election 2008 ... Who Won and Why? (A link to that podcast is coming.....) My radio package was a first-person narrative about my journey to Chicago and what I found when I arrived - not a Presidential candidate, but a Rock Star!
My recent travels have taken me to the east coast a couple times... I attended the infamous Georgia/Florida football game held on neutral territory - Jacksonville, FL - and also went to the Penn State/Indiana game in State College. No, these events were not attended for journalistic or professional reasons, but rather, because I love college football. And well, I try to retain as normal a life as possible despite my spending 90% of my waking hours at the Cronk!
As if I don't have plenty on my plate with grad school and traveling, I have recently been named Editor of Avid Golfer Arizona magazine. Our first issue will come out late January-we are planning to debut it at the FBR Open (January 31 - February 3, 2009). For the first issue, I have six to eight pieces to write and edit, as well as editing other writers' works, and laying out the magazine. But it's not like I'll be working on it between now and early January (remember my two week Australia trip?!).... so, on top of the 20 assignments due for grad school in the next 3 weeks, I have another bundle of stories to compose by December 21. Oh Joy!
Luckily, I have a very intelligent, well-connected, reliable, and well-versed sidekick who has agreed to help me write articles for this first issue. That will most assuredly relieve some of my workload and much of my stress... and hopefully he will decide to stick around for many Avid Golfer issues after that...because I think I could get used to having him around!
Too much time has been spent writing this blog... there are bigger fish to fry. I'm off....
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