
The Greatest Job on Earth... No, Really....

So I just got back from my two week holiday in Australia (well, I got back about 12 days ago, but this is the first time I am blogging since I've returned to the states).

Australia was phenomenal. My friend Ashley and I had the time of our lives and will definitely be life long friends, as we bonded during the trip in more ways than I can count. :)

But I'm not writing to discuss my trip, as that would take a substantial amount of time that I don't have right now to dedicate to blogging about Australia.

INSTEAD, I wanted to alert anyone looking for the greatest job on earth (which, I believe, is most everyone I know) to this amazing opportunity.


Why am I sharing this tidbit instead of hogging it to myself you ask? Believe it or not, i won't be applying for this job... But if any of my friends landed this gig, you'd better believe I'd be there to visit!

Happy Application Process! :)

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