ASU is facing massive budget cuts in lieu of the current economic turmoil. Senate Appropriations Chair Russell Pearce and House Appropriations Chair John Kavanagh have specifically singled out education as the outlet required to cut the most from their budget as we move forward.
Makes perfect sense, right?! Cut public education...genius!
ASU has already taken a $37 million cut and is expected to cut another $70 million in the next 5 months, not to mention that another $155 million cut is proposed for FY10.
A few things ASU President Michael M. Crow believes would occur if the budget cuts take place are:
A few things ASU President Michael M. Crow believes would occur if the budget cuts take place are:
Layoff thousands more employees (ASU has already eliminated a total of 500 staff positions and 200 faculty associate positions)
Have a massive furlough of all remaining employees for two weeks or longer
Increase tuition and fees (replacing the cuts by raising tuition alone would require a tuition rate
of almost $11,000 for Arizona residents)
Close academic programs
Close a campus or possibly two
Insane!!!...read more about it at: asu budget cuts
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