

Greetings bloggers!

I've gotten so consumed in Tweeting that I find myself neglecting Blogger. I'll try to give The Daily Bailey more of my time this summer.

As far as my plans for this summer...I'm going to be doing a lot of traveling and I plan on sharing my adventures here with you.

As for now, check out bayandjay.com to read my latest venture - golf reviews, news, and tales of my boyfriend's and my travels across the country and the world.



Stand By Me

Music from Around the World... a truly great version of this song...

Playing For Change Song Around The World "Stand By Me" from Concord Music Group on Vimeo.


Is Writing For The Rich?

In this article, Franci Wilkinson discusses how difficult it is for a budding, hard-working, "nobody" journalist to make a living and a name for himself in the industry's current climate.

Wilkinson contends that perhaps writing is something that only those with other sources of income can afford to do....cause freelancing and blogging sure aren't paying the bills.

Where is the future of this industry heading?

If anyone has the answer, please let me in on the secret. I lose sleep contemplating it far too many nights....

Not even *The Masters* can draw a crowd

Corporate entertaining at The Masters is estimated to be down 25%-50% this year due to the economy. 

Arguably the most prized tournament in all of golf can't tempt execs to spend money on corporate tents and client entertainment.

Companies might still be entertaining, but they're not doing it openly. USA Today wrote this story....


The Year 2035 Will Look So Different...

Here's a Piece by NPR that is really fascinating. Potentially, we as humans will all be controlled by computers....


Phoenix Couchsurfers Gather at Side Bar

Phoenix Couchsurfers from Baileymosier on Vimeo.

Fore Golfers

GreenFinder, a GPS application for your smartphone (blackberry, iphone) allows you to search yardages to the pin, calculate distance to carry hazards, and most notably, enables you to measure the distance you hit each of your clubs.

After hitting a shot, press the space bar on your phone. As you approach your shot, the yardage between the two points will be displayed on your phone. You can now more easily, quickly, and effectively hone in on your yardage control.

Greenfinder GPS works for more than 10,000 courses currently, and is adding more and more each day. 

No money for a SkyCaddie or Bushnell? This phone application is only $35/year. Seems like a pretty handy tool for any avid golfers out there.

iScam, uLose

iScam from Jeremy Pennycook on Vimeo.


Google and the Media's Future Business Model

This is a presentation I created for my 21st Century Media Class.

It discusses how Google got its start up, how they lacked a business model for 5 years after they initially launched, and the steps they took to remain innovative along the way.

The bigger picture: I draw parallels between what Google did and how current media might want to imitate some of their innovative processes in order to stay afloat and develop a new business model.

Google didn't have a clue what they were doing when they first launched-heck-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin didn't even mean to create a search engine!

Look at them now-I'd say they've done a fairly good job for themselves. Maybe the media has something to learn from Google. I don't know...? But at least it's something....


Golf and New Media Collide

It was inevitable.

For all you golfers out there who are also Twitter-ers (please stand up), you can now make tee times via Twitter.

Ok, not on all courses in all cities across the U.S., but I wouldn't hold my breathe before that is a viable option everywhere.

Atlantic Golf, the owner of three courses in Maryland, is now offering a Twitter service that they hope will spark an ongoing conversation with golfers to set up tee times and get information about promotions, tournaments, course conditions, and other relevant information.

They urge you to "Tweet for your Tee Time."

My largest question...for the time being...is how many 40-year-old men and up are Twitter-ers...? Probably not many, but the number of people joining Twitter grows each day.

So go ahead and Tweet about your birdies on the course!


The Perfect Present for a Little One

My darling baby niece is turning *ONE* on Thursday and her mommy and daddy have picked out a present she seems to be quite smitten with, and if you have a little one running around, I bet your tot would be equally as entertained.

This Fisher-Price ball pit will save you the trouble of taking your infant to Chuck E. Cheese. Instead, stay home, save money, and bet on your child's face being lit up with joy!
My brother and his wife are picking one up at Target, but I bet you could find it elsewhere. My question is, do they have a home version of this large enough for adults?! :)


Phoenix a Kidnapping Hotbed - Yikes!

Phoenix has recently been dubbed the Kidnapping Capitol of America - falling second in the WORLD next to Mexico City for the most kidnapping incidents per year.

Uhmmm.... a bit frightening to anyone else currently living IN Phoenix?!

Officials believe the swarm of kidnappings are directly related to illegal drug trafficking and most victims are illegal Mexican immigrants.

No more late-night running in downtown Phoenix for me... oh wait, that's right. I wasn't running anyway...


Another Reason Southwest Airlines Blows its Competitors Out of the Water...

Southwest doesn't need to provide its passengers with further incentives to take to the sky with them over other airline carriers, but yet Southwest deals just keep getting sweeter.

Southwest airlines doesn't charge checked luggage fees, doesn't charge extra for seats with additional leg room, nor do they charge for snacks or beverages on flight.

Their customer service is known for its efficiency and friendliness, and their fares are more than fair for intercontinental travel.

But the deals just keep getting more and more appetizing.

Southwest airlines is offering FREE vodka and cranberry to its passengers on flights on Valentines Day (February 14) as well as FREE beer of choice on St. Patrick's Day (March 17).

If that's not cool... I don't know what is. 

The brains behind the Southwest operations is taking necessary steps to make sure his air carrier will continue operating for many years to come!

Book your flights today!

My First Professional Publication!

I've been working for AVIDGOLFER Arizona for the past few months, and through much sweat, determination, creativity, scrambling, frustration, and bliss, our first issue (February 2009) is complete.

The content for our Premiere Issue is online, and the print version will be coming soon as well!

Go check it out! And if you want an AG passbook... let me know that as well. The passbook includes FREE green fees to 25 courses for a mere $65! You're crazy not to purchase one!

Procrastinate No More...

If you're like most adolescents, you're probably a procrastinator. Which, isn't always a bad thing -- in fact, I argue some of my most prized work was completed with a fast-approaching deadline lighting a fire under me.

But, if you're a high school senior with dreams of attending Arizona State University this fall, you better get a move on.

Due to ever-increasing budget cuts, ASU is being forced to cap enrollment and to close applications to next year's freshman class on March 1, five months earlier than usual.

Whether it be the lure of ASU's party-school notoriety, the prestigious reputation of its journalism, nursing, or business schools, or an array of other attractive characteristics this state university offers, if you're wanting to call yourself a Sun Devil this fall, act now or pursue higher education elsewhere...


Valley of the Sun-Day Fun-Day...FBR and the Superbowl

The FBR Open, regularly scheduled the same day as the Superbowl, is arguably the only regular schedule PGA Tour event that could mildly hope to compete with what most of America considers a National Holiday.

(Note: I said mildly. In no way, shape, or form am I trying to argue that sports fans hold the two dear to their hearts in any similar capacity. But, if a person so desired to attend a golf outing in the morning and watch football in the afternoon, the 16th at TPC Scottsdale might be the only bargaining tool the Tour has.)

This year, the FBR Open is going to throw its own public Superbowl bash at the popular Greenskeeper Tent located just west of the 18th hole, to help cheer on the Cardinals to a victory over the Steelers.

The FBR Open typically ends between 3:30-4 p.m. and kickoff is scheduled for about 4:15 p.m. As soon as the last putt drops, the Superbowl will be televised on a JumboTron. 

Admission is free, the venue will house several thousands of fans, and sports lovers and beer drinkers can migrate from the 16th hole to the Greenskeeper Tent to keep the party going.

Oh yeah, did I mention that if you wear a Cardinals jersey to the tournament on Sunday you get free admission all day? What more of an incentive could you hope for?!


Birdie Fest for Steve Stricker - Welcome to the Record Books!

The Bob Hope is already well-known to golf fans as a guaranteed birdie-fest, players year after year take it deep at the Hope, but something truly special has happened here this year.

Through four rounds of golf--72 holes--Steve Stricker shot 33-under par. And that my friends, is certainly nothing to snub your nose at.

He will forever be remembered for being the first person to shoot 33-under through 72 holes... and I am anxious to see what he'll do in the final round!


Watch Golf, Drink Beer, and Get Rowdy!

The infamous par-3, 16th at TPC Scottsdale, known as golf’s largest outdoor cocktail party, will be completely enclosed by stadium seating for this year’s FBR Open. The tournament staff added 3,000 bleachers behind the green to ensure that their reputation as the noisiest hole on Tour remains upheld. The additional seating will raise crowd capacity on the 16th, alone, to nearly 20,000 people.

Fans can get as rowdy as they want and won’t have to keep it corporate at the 16th, as the tournament is not selling bleacher seats for company sponsorships. For fans’ viewing pleasure other than the par-3, some of the seats will also provide a view from behind the tee box of the short par-4, 17th.

While the tournament doesn’t want to sell bleacher seats to corporations, they most certainly want to sell the 16th hole as a brand. Much like golf fans know “No. 17” refers to the island green at TPC Sawgrass, home of The Players Championship, Tournament Director John Felix likes to think everyone associates “No. 16” with the par-3 at Scottsdale, and he wants to ensure it stays that way.

As happy as fans are sure to be with the additional seating space, Felix said that the new arrangement around No. 16 also was designed to aid the players. It had been previously difficult for players to walk from the 16th green to the 17th tee, but the new tunnel built for this year’s event will make their transition a much smoother one.

While the new seating configuration will relieve players the stress of getting from green to tee, it will most certainly revive the fans’ spirit and cheer at this winter’s golf party extraordinaire event.

Roll Call


Scary Budget Cuts for AZ and ASU

ASU is facing massive budget cuts in lieu of the current economic turmoil. Senate Appropriations Chair Russell Pearce and House Appropriations Chair John Kavanagh have specifically singled out education as the outlet required to cut the most from their budget as we move forward.

Makes perfect sense, right?! Cut public education...genius!

ASU has already taken a $37 million cut and is expected to cut another $70 million in the next 5 months, not to mention that another $155 million cut is proposed for FY10.

A few things ASU President Michael M. Crow believes would occur if the budget cuts take place are:
Layoff thousands more employees (ASU has already eliminated a total of 500 staff positions and 200 faculty associate positions)

Have a massive furlough of all remaining employees for two weeks or longer
Increase tuition and fees (replacing the cuts by raising tuition alone would require a tuition rate
of almost $11,000 for Arizona residents)

Close academic programs

Close a campus or possibly two

Insane!!!...read more about it at: asu budget cuts

I'm an ESFP... what are you?

For fun's sake, take the Myers-Briggs personality assessment to see what your personality type is.

I am Extroverted

Here are some of my traits:

Live in the present moment
Are stimulated and excited by new experiences
Practical and realistic
Warmly interested in people
Know how to have a good time, and how to make things fun for others
Independent and resourceful
Spontaneous - seldom plan ahead
Hate structure and routine
Dislike theory and long written explanations
Feel special bond with children and animals
Strongly developed aesthetic appreciation for things
Great people skills

Go see if your description fits you to a tee... I know mine does!


Kenya Roll Call.... Obama? Present.

Newborns everywhere are being named after America's newest First Family....

Obama Babies

"The number one food I miss is a meat pie" ~Geoff Ogilvy

If you've never had an Aussie Pie (and I would bet 95% of the people I know have not) I fervently urge that you do!

I was introduced to this flaky pastry's goodness while visiting Australia this past December. Good news for you-you don't have to cross the international dateline to sample this delicacy!

Current Scottsdale resident, native Aussie, and PGA Tour star Geoff Ogilvy has brought his continent's equivalent to a hot dog or hamburger to American soil with the hopes of pleasing palates of Australians and Americans alike.

The Scottsdale location is in the McDowell Mountain Business Park, or visit http://www.mojopies.com/ for other locations and information.

Better yet, come out to the FBR Open January 26 - February 1, 2009 and enjoy a meat-filled pastry with your beer while witnessing the wild ruckus on the par-3, #16.

Loads of fun, I guarantee!


The Greatest Job on Earth... No, Really....

So I just got back from my two week holiday in Australia (well, I got back about 12 days ago, but this is the first time I am blogging since I've returned to the states).

Australia was phenomenal. My friend Ashley and I had the time of our lives and will definitely be life long friends, as we bonded during the trip in more ways than I can count. :)

But I'm not writing to discuss my trip, as that would take a substantial amount of time that I don't have right now to dedicate to blogging about Australia.

INSTEAD, I wanted to alert anyone looking for the greatest job on earth (which, I believe, is most everyone I know) to this amazing opportunity.


Why am I sharing this tidbit instead of hogging it to myself you ask? Believe it or not, i won't be applying for this job... But if any of my friends landed this gig, you'd better believe I'd be there to visit!

Happy Application Process! :)