I attended the Austin City Limits Music Festival this past Saturday and the experience was unlike any I had ever had in my life.
Although the show was sold out (over 170,000 people attended), not once did someone step on my foot, shove me, hit me with a flailing limb, trip me, run past me, nothing. Nothing of the sort.
Heck, the audience barely cheered or got excited for the performing artists. Not because the musicians lacked talent (quite the opposite, actually). Rather, the 170,000 people at ACL were too mellow, chill, and stress-free to show emotion... even for something they clearly enjoyed.

My entire weekend in Austin left me stress free. It was the most phenomenal feeling ever. I had never (but hopefully will again) experienced such a feeling--A way of life.
For four whole days I had adopted the liberal/hippie mindset. I had not a care in the world. I didn't get outwardly excited or upset about anything. Nothingggggggg. For all of four days.
I called my mother from the festival and told her that I could totally see myself being a hippie. Heck--I already have long hair, eat healthy and natural foods, follow semi-vegetarian guidelines, and don't exactly adhere to a strict hygiene regimen... My mother was not pleased with my pondering of hippie-dom.
I assured her as I am assuring you now... I have no intentions of throwing responsibility, drive, determination, and hard work to the wayside. I do, oddly enough, drive a VW Bug and was recently nicknamed "Flower Child" for a day due to a flower I adorned in my hair... but my weekend of stress-free relaxation (both mentally and physically) will not spill over into my daily life.
It was, however, the most phenomenal weekend everrrrrrrr. I urge each of you to try to imitate my past weekend and create a stress-free realm for a day. You won't regret it.
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